A broken ankle isn't going to keep me in one place! I have now had 4 casts, 21 x-rays and what feels like a million appointments at the Fracture Clinic!!! I am allowed to gradually put weight on my ankle now which is encouraging. I measured on a scale and I was able to put between 25-30% of my weight on my ankle while in the cast. I was supposed to go on a canoe trip (with portages) with 7 others this week, but obviously it was still a bit soon for that! Although I couldn't go
canoeing as planned, I decided to keep the days I had booked off from work and at least get out of the city! So my boyfriend and I went camping in Algonquin Park. On Friday (the 11th) I was feeling energetic and we did a very short "educational" hike and learned everything you might ever want to know about the formation of Bogs! This is me exhausted at the end of the 1km(?) wheelchair
accessible hike!!! Have to start somewhere!
Hi there,well I am glad that you are hiking and almost all healed I am just starting out and I am sick of this cast and crutches it's not even a week yet!!!!! How did you survive?please please help me,mortgagebank1@gmail.com,David.
how has it not been a week yet? Is this not your post on 21st of March? How does that work then?
David said...
Hi there also in a cast for my ankle,broke it in 2 places skiing and also just escaped surgery but i have to be in the cast 8-12 weeks and the first week is coming to an end and I want to rip it off!!! it's pretty uncomfortable and the crutches are a huge pain.Anyway how are you feeling?Feel free to email me mortgagebank1@gmail.com,David.
Wednesday, 21 March, 2007
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