This might be the last time that you see me with the
AirCast. Tomorrow morning I go back for yet another appointment at the famous and much loved Fracture Clinic. Hopefully (please, please, please!) this may be one of my last if not THE last appointment I have at the Fracture Clinic. I am able to put weight on my ankle now while it's in the cast, even managed my first "
leftleg" standing on the right leg since I broke my ankle 10 weeks ago. I am pretty excited. I have been walking on it as much as possible in hopes that this means my
Orthopaedic Surgeon will be able to hand me over to the physiotherapist and I can start the rehab on my ankle. All the muscles in my leg are in atrophy, I have no muscles or range of motion in the ankle at all, and it seems that it will be a long time before I can walk on it unassisted. On a positive note I did buy a cane today! No more crutches!
1 comment:
Well hope the ankle is gone to be good as new. You certainly were able to get out in about with the air cast. Way to go!
I just got back from a backpacking trip in Nova Scotia!
If you ever out this way check out Chignecto..Nice coastal trail lots of up and downs and suggested 3 or 4 days....
Good luck on getting back to full ankle freedom...
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