Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May 2-4 - Lion's Head on top of Wall A

One last climb before heading back to Toronto? Saturday had a brief hour of sunshine, Sunday we spend the day at White Bluffs on the other side of the bay - it's a big overhang wall sheltered a bit from the rain and wind... The easiest climbs there besides one 5.8 with sketchy bolts were 5.11's - so I did my first outdoor 5.11! Had a very long day and by the time we hiked back to camp it was 10:30ish pm... Monday the wind ended up being super strong and it was really really cold so we only did one climb over at Lion's Head before starting the drive back to Toronto! This photo was while we were waiting to see if the wind was going to let up! We couldn't feel our fingers. We didn't get any more climbs in (that day)... but we'll go back!!!

Lion's Head, Bruce Peninsula, ON

At the top of "Kiss of a Spiderwoman" 5.9 - nothing like some of the ol' left leg at the top! The sun came out for about an hour - perfect timing to thaw out fingers and toes.

Tobermory, ON - Camping May 2-4 long weekend

Whenever I go on a hike or go camping -IT RAINS! Most of the weekend was cold, windy and overcast. Since we couldn't climb, we drove to Tobermory to see if we could find something to do -this is Tobermory Lighthouse in the background.