This was a very easy 30km day. The trail (which was built on an old rail bed from 1895) was FLAT and very user friendly. It did however lack anything even remotely physically challenging or exciting. Not my favorite, but since the other trail had fallen trees every 2 minutes it was an okay alternative. I guess. And no, I don't suggest trying this move at home folks - I am actually riding the bike as I did this. Thanks to my mom who took the photo as on lookers wondered what the hell we were doing!
How do you have the time and money to travel the world like that? I've done three big trips in 5 years and that's all I can afford: Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro, Macchu Pichu and Amazon Jungle.
What's your secret?
The trick is to only come home once to get more visas in the 5+ years and work along the way as you go...
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