On June 15
th after calling the Digital Imaging Dept everyday and annoying the people there; after the hospital losing my first set of paperwork with the referral; after them generating a new set; after then having two contradicting
MRI's recommended by the reviewing doctors, etc etc etc... I finally was scheduled for an MRI! To make a long story short I had the type of MRI with the shorter wait time even though another doctor had
recommended the second type of scan which meant waiting for an "urgent" MRI scheduled in August. The results although inconclusive were enough to convince my Dr to send my to Physiotherapy so that was good news (I think)! He does not explain anything. Anyway - my Physiotherapist used to work for the National Ballet of Canada and knows her stuff! She seems nice. She has explained more in 15 min than my Dr did in 15 weeks! I was also given permission to "fly" and I came to Chattanooga finally. I have an
appointment made to see an
Orthopedic Surgeon while I am there. I am sure my Dr has done everything correctly, but after this long and this much confusion I will see this Dr that agreed to see me anyway. It can't hurt!