I had been patintly waiting for my appointment yesterday to to receive the news from the bone and tissue scans. Well - the Dr. came over to me and asked the same questions as per usual asking me to stand on it and try to walk for him... then he went to my file and noticed I had had a bone scan (that he had ordered!) The scan was cool to look at and seemed normal except for my ankle which was black. I looked from over his shoulder and I managed to read something about the results indicating a hyperthremic area around the R ankle. This basically meant that something more serious might be wrong. The good news is that the rest of my body seemed to be "normal" which indicates it
some bone disease or other complication - it appears to be isolated. Still doesn't offer any explanation though... something IS wrong with the ankle so now I am on an "Urgent List" for an MRI. Still no word.... still waiting....